- For the people who don’t know who you are can you describe your self to them ?
My name is Rick Knox and I've been a pro wrestling referee for about the past 23 years. I have worked for such promotions and TV shows in the past such as Lucha Underground, Westling Society X, Lucha Libre USA, New Japan USA, Heroes of Lucha Libre, and NWA Championship Wrestling From Hollywood. I'm also the senior official for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla(PWG) since their first show back in 2003. Currently I referee for AEW, All Elite Wrestling, which will be airing on the TNT Network every Wednesday night starting October 2nd.
- how did you first get into wrestling and why did you become a referee ?
Well I've been a fan of wrestling ever since I was a small child... it's been part of my life as far back as I can remember. I became a big fan when I was a teenager and really actively pursued watching as much as I could... I didn't become a Referee until a little bit later in life when I fell into a local school, the School of Hard Knocks in San Bernardino California, and after I saw up close the bumps and chops that the wrestlers had to endure, I quickly realized I could not be a wrestler. However, there was a referee at their promotion, the Empire Wrestling Federation, and I watched him and figured I could do what he was doing and still be involved in the matches without taking the beating that a wrestler would.
- You have participated in many promotions as a referee, can you tell us what’s your favorite promotion that you worked in and why ?
There have been so many great ones... but not counting AEW, I would always have to put both Lucha Underground and PWG at the top of that list... when we shot Wrestling Society X, we shot the entire show, the entire season, in one week, and I definitely remember that week being one of the most fun weeks of my life. However, Lucha Underground, with the big budget and all the great props and effects that we had at our disposal (not to mention the talent) and PWG with the rabid fanbase and the way they practically made me into a star, are probably the reasons I hold those companies so special.
- the fans noticed you for those many awesome clips from PWG With you interacting in with the wrestlers in matches, can you tell us what inspired you to start doing some of this work ?
Haha, yes, El Generico! I think he was the first one who incorporated me into doing a crazy spot... after that, it seemed like a lot of the wrestlers wanted to use me for spots, which was always fun to do... every time you see me doing something crazy like a spot or a dive or a super kick, it was always at the request of the wrestlers involved. Every time.
- do you think that wrestling matches can use more referees interacting with the wrestlers and how do you want it interpreted to the match ?
Absolutely. The referees are just as much a part of the environment as the turnbuckle pads, the mat, and the ropes. The referee should be used by the wrestlers in every context; the rules are there to create a background for which the wrestlers can create their own narrative. And the referees can be a big part of that. A good wrestler will always recognize, appreciate, and use a good referee who's able to work with them in that capacity.
- do you have a certain thing or things to do to prepare for a match ?
Not really, just make sure I'm loose and limber... I have a little stretch routine that I guess I do before every show, but that's really about it... I try to make sure I communicate with everyone that I need to to make sure I am on the same page is all the wrestlers involved.
- can you tell us about you signing with AEW and what are you aiming to do with your time there ?
Well signing with AEW is basically a dream come true for me... I'm now finally in a position where I am making a full-time living refereeing pro wrestling. Over the past 20 years, I've made some good money, but really it's always been a side job, even a hobby. But now I can actual say I'm making a living from wrestling. I'm very grateful and thankful for the Young Bucks and AEW because I know without them I would not have this opportunity. WWE has considered me too old for over a decade, so more than anything I think I want to be able to show the entire world that someone at my age can still go with the best of them.
- can you tell us who do you hope to see in AEW in the future ?
That is an incredibly long list there are people in WWE who I would love to see come over to aew and then there's some guys on the Indies who I would love to see get brought up as well I know they will be using a lot of guys in the future whom they have not used yet, so there is a lot of hope for these people... I'm looking at guys like Jake Atlas, Ryan Taylor, Tony Deppen, Eli Everfly, Eric Watts, Ace Romero, and then there are contracted guys (with whatever company) like Jacob Fatu, Brian Cage, Willie Mack, Kevin Kross, AJ Styles and the Good Brothers... I could go on and on.
- what is your advice to people who want to become referees in the wrestling business?
Put in the time. Volunteer and put in the work at your local school or promotion Show up during their practice sessions and training sessions so you can volunteer to referee when they have practice matches. That was basically how I got my start. Go to the shows and help move and set up the ring in the chairs. Once you're good enough, they'll invite you and book you and use you on shows. Keep your eyes open. Keep your ears open. Keep your mouth shut. Treat everyone with dignity and respect. All talent is rewarded eventually!
- is there anything you want to add or plug ?
Just AEW TV show! Starting October 2nd, Wednesday nigts at 8 p.m. eastern time!!! LIVE wrestling!!! ALL ELITE!!!!
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